The subsequent creation of Rail Alphabet was intended to provide a style of lettering more specifically suited to the station environment, where it would primarily be viewed indoors by pedestrians. While Transport has since been an enduring success on road signs, it was designed around the specific needs of the roadside environment - such as visibility at speed and in all weathers. In the early s, British Rail trialled new signs at Coventry station that made use of Kinnier and Calvert's recently launched Transport typeface.

Lettering was to use the Gill Sans typeface on a background of the regional colour. In the Railway Executive decided on standard types of signs to be used at all stations. Akzidenz Grotesk had earlier also provided the same designers the broad inspiration for the Transport typeface used for all road signs in the United Kingdom. It is not quite as similar to Akzidenz Grotesk or Arial. Rail Alphabet is similar, but not identical, to a bold weight of Helvetica.

First used at Liverpool Street stationit was then adopted by the Design Research Unit DRU as part of their comprehensive rebranding of the company.